I am desperately trying to move 2 classic storage accounts from my old MSDN subscription to my MPN subscription and I keep hitting a brick wall as move is only supported for these through REST APIs.
I have enabled the APIs following the instructions here....
and here...
but am completely flummoxed. I have created a POST request as suggested to check status as the first call in the 'move resources' instructions...
POST https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ClassicCompute/validateSubscriptionMoveAvailability
(with the subscriptionId replaced with the ID for each) and passing the appropriate source / target body in.
I have also provided the Authorization header as follows...
Authorization: {key as generated by the Azure portal}
Completely lost now. I have tried using both Fiddler & Postman. PowerShell isn't an option for me because I don't know it at all. I just want to move 2 items over and so far just having these management APIs running has cost me over £15 and my website is on the verge of going down as my credit will soon expire.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Per your description, it seems that there is any thing wrong of the way you generate:
Authorization: {key as generated by the Azure portal}
According the document description at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn790569.aspx#bk_common, the authorization header should be a JSON Web Token that you obtain from Azure Active Directory, but directly from Azure Portal.
You can refer to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/active-directory-protocols-oauth-code/ for how to obtain a JWT from AAD.
And the Authorization header should be in like:
Authorization : Bearer {JWT}