I have been learning Angular and tried to implement it in a mock up.When I tried to implement Angular typeahead ,the results of typeahead is shown as undefined can anyone suggest me where I am going wrong? The code snippet of html,
<input type="text" id="search" ng-model = "selectedEnterprise" class="form-control form-design input-md enable collapse" placeholder="search for an enterprise" uib-typeahead = "enterprise.name as vm.enterprises.name for enterprise in vm.enterprises | filter:$viewValue | limitTo : 3 ">
The controller code snippet
$http.get(path + '/enterprise/all/' + num)
.then(function success(response) {
vm.enterprises = response.data;
temp = vm.enterprises;
}, function error(response) {
I use MongoDB and NodeJS framework for Backend.
Change your typeahead code
<input type="text" id="search" ng-model = "selectedEnterprise" class="form-control form-design input-md enable collapse" placeholder="search for an enterprise" uib-typeahead = "enterprise.name as vm.enterprises.name for enterprise in vm.enterprises | filter:$viewValue | limitTo : 3 ">
<input type="text" id="search" ng-model = "selectedEnterprise" class="form-control form-design input-md enable collapse" placeholder="search for an enterprise" uib-typeahead = "enterprise.name as enterprise.name for enterprise in vm.enterprises | filter:$viewValue | limitTo : 3 ">
In the typeahead,we are creating an reference object enterprise for vm.enterprises(data source) and from that reference object we are extracting name variable and asking it to assign the same to ng-model
uib-typeahead = "enterprise.name as enterprise.name for enterprise in vm.enterprises