
How to use a variable in Openrowset command

I am trying to use a variable filepath in a SQL Openrowset command. I'm aware that it can't explicitly accept a variable and that I need to make use of dynamic SQL.

What currently works -

SELECT @file_stream = CAST(bulkcolumn AS VARBINARY(MAX))

However if I try to use my variable filepath

declare @file_stream VARBINARY(MAX)

declare @filePath NVARCHAR(128)
set @filePath = 'C:\Temp\print4.pdf'

set @command = N'SELECT @file_stream = CAST(bulkcolumn AS varbinary(MAX))
                from OPENROWSET(BULK ' + @filePath + ',
                SINGLE_BLOB) ROW_SET'

EXEC sp_executesql @command, @filePath, @file_stream;

I get the error 'Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 15 Must declare the scalar variable "@filePath".'

I'm sure this is an issue of syntax but haven't been able to figure out how it should be formatted yet.


  • Change your script like below.

    DECLARE @file_stream VARBINARY(MAX)
    DECLARE @command nvarchar(1000)
    DECLARE @filePath NVARCHAR(128)
    set @filePath = 'C:\Temp\print4.pdf'
    set @command = N'SELECT @file_stream1 = CAST(bulkcolumn AS varbinary(MAX))
                    from OPENROWSET(BULK ''' + @filePath + ''',
                    SINGLE_BLOB) ROW_SET'
    EXEC sp_executesql @command, N'@file_stream1 VARBINARY(MAX) OUTPUT',@file_stream1 =@file_stream OUTPUT
    select @file_stream

    Sample Output : enter image description here