I am working on a project where I need to transfer data between android and raspberry pi via Bluetooth. However, I am new to this and I don't have deep understanding on what happens when two devices are paired. Based on assumption that the two devices of interest are already paired, where would the starting point be for programming for such task? I've been reading on BluetoothSocket, but I am still unsure of where to start. Can anyone help me please?
Thank you so much in advance!
I've been working on the same task little while ago. The point is, that in order to start sending and receiving data you have to establish connection first. There is two side- device which connects (creates socket) and the other receiving connection (bluetooth server socket), giving out connection once connection is complete. After connection is established, you should stop receiving incoming connection or attempting establishing any connections. From implementation perspective, you should implement few threads for managing all those stages - connection thread, accept thread, communucation thread. There is a great example from Google: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-BluetoothChat . It uses that technic. The only drawback is that it uses Handler (Android feature, allowing thereads to communicate) for informing user about Bluetooth events. I modified it a bit by introducing another thread, receiving status updates and calling methods from callback interface, feel free to use code from project: https://github.com/AlexShutov/LEDLights.