return SD card path on my phone. (Huawei Y320 - android 4.2.2).
now, how to get path Phone Storage path for all devices and all API? loot at bottom screenshot.
I'm using this method:
public static final String SD_CARD = "sdCard";
public static final String EXTERNAL_SD_CARD = "externalSdCard";
private static final String ENV_SECONDARY_STORAGE = "SECONDARY_STORAGE";
public static Map<String, File> getAllStorageLocations() {
Map<String, File> storageLocations = new HashMap<>(10);
File sdCard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
storageLocations.put(SD_CARD, sdCard);
final String rawSecondaryStorage = System.getenv(ENV_SECONDARY_STORAGE);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(rawSecondaryStorage)) {
String[] externalCards = rawSecondaryStorage.split(":");
for (int i = 0; i < externalCards.length; i++) {
String path = externalCards[i];
storageLocations.put(EXTERNAL_SD_CARD + String.format(i == 0 ? "" : "_%d", i), new File(path));
return storageLocations;