
How to stop Terlerik RadEditor from de-obfuscates email addresses

I am running into an issue where if you put an obfuscated email address in the RadEditor it de-obfuscates it.

You put the following in:

<a href='&#109;&#97;ilto&#58;John&#46;Doe%4&#48;%65x&#37;61%&#54;Dple&#46;com'>&#74;&#111;&#104;n&#46;D&#111;&#101;&#64;exa&#109;ple&#46;&#99;o&#109;</a>

It converts it to:

<a href=""></a>

How do you stop the control from doing this?

Thanks in advance.


  • I think it is the browser that does that (read the HTML entities and transform them): so I doubt you can stop it.

    <div style="border: 2px solid red; width: 300px; height: 300px;" contentEditable="true" id="test">
    <a href='&#109;&#97;ilto&#58;John&#46;Doe%4&#48;%65x&#37;61%&#54;Dple&#46;com'>&#74;&#111;&#104;n&#46;D&#111;&#101;&#64;exa&#109;ple&#46;&#99;o&#109;</a>