The Error I am getting is:
Cannot convert value of type '(NSError!) -> Void' to expected argument type '((Error?) -> Void)!
The code that is causing this error is
withSuccessHandler: completionBlock,
andFailHandler: failureBlock)
Has anybody had this error when using RevMob before or have any ideas on how to fix? Thanks
You are probably using the new Xcode and Swift 3.0. There have been a few changes on how Objective-C is converted to swift.
You only have to change the errorBlock
code from what we have in our documentation to this:
let errorBlock: ((Error?) -> Void)! = {error in // <== only this line changed
// check the error
and add the parameter name to the startSession
RevMobAds.startSession(withAppID: "<YOUR_APP_ID>", // only this line changed
withSuccessHandler: completionBlock,
andFailHandler: errorBlock);