I am using an RTD formula in an Excel worksheet to receive a list of items in cell A1:
The returned list in cell A1 is in curly bracket and delimited by semi colons. Basically, it's a one dimensional array of rows and looks like this
If I copy that result, and paste the values in A2, then copy A2, select four cells from a column in a spreadsheet, such as A3:A6, and type an "=" in the formula window, and paste the result,
I can hold down ctrl+shift+enter and populate each of those cells with an element of the array like this:
My question is this: is there a formula I can use to parse that original RTD formula result? I want to populate a combo box control with the elements of that array. I would love to be able to do this either in a cell formula or via VBA.
This documentation suggests that RTD
returns a string. If so, the following should be able to parse it, returning the result as an array:
Function ParseArray(ArrayString As String) As Variant
Dim s As String
s = Replace(ArrayString, "{", "")
s = Replace(s, "}", "")
s = Replace(s, """", "")
ParseArray = Split(s, ";")
End Function