People get the error when opening a file in Visual Studio Code when using OmniPascal:
Ordner nicht angegeben
which translates to:
Folder not specified
The first thought to ensure the paths in user settings.json are set:
Would of course be a wrong tree to bark up:
// Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings
"objectpascal.delphiInstallationPath": "D:\\Programs\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\14.0",
"objectpascal.searchPath": "D:\\Delphi Components"
The error is definitely coming from OmniPascal, as it is a string inside
Anonymous has the same issue:
When I open a .pas file by right clicking on the file in windows explorer, the file opens correctly, but then a messagedialog appears with "Ordner nicht angegeben"' and an OK button.
I can see inside VSCode there is a variable to the workspace root path:
var config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('objectpascal');
var delphiSDK = config.get('delphiInstallationPath', '');
var searchPath = config.get('searchPath', '');
var workspacePath = vscode.workspace.rootPath;
if (typeof delphiSDK == 'undefined')
delphiSDK = "";
if (typeof searchPath == 'undefined')
searchPath = "";
if (isWin) {
childProcess = cp.spawn(path.join(__dirname, 'bin/win/OmniPascalServer.exe'), [workspacePath, delphiSDK, searchPath]);
It looks like OmniPascal is abandonware. Is there source code out there where someone can try to decipher exactly?
The real question is how to get rid of the modal dialog that blocks using the window.
It looks like OmniPascal is abandonware
No it's definetely not abandonware even though there was no new public release within the last months. OmniPascal is still in active development.
The real question is how to get rid of the modal dialog that blocks using the window.
This error message is coming from OmniPascalServer.exe
shipped with the OmniPascal plugin for VSCode in (the current) version 0.10.0 released on 2016-04-14.
Workaround for version < 0.11.0
As far as I know this error message only appears when a file is opened in Visual Studio Code instead of a folder. So the simplest workaround is to open the folder which contains the file(s) you want to work with:
code C:\Projects\MyProjectRootFolder
File -> Open Folder...
Or apply the hotfix
Replace this line
var workspacePath = vscode.workspace.rootPath;
with these lines
var workspacePath = vscode.workspace.rootPath;
if (typeof workspacePath == 'undefined') {
var filePath = vscode.workspace.textDocuments[0].fileName;
workspacePath = path.dirname(filePath);
Now the error should no longer appear.