In Notepad++ and SQLDeveloper for writing SQL regarding '(' and ')' the corresponding ones are shown. Also a ')' too many will appear red.
Is it possibly to have this feature in UltraEdit ( too and if so, how to accomplish that?
In the following link see a printscreen with an example in SQLDeveloper where in blue the corresponding one is shown and in red the one too many:
In UltraEdit the configuration setting Enable auto-brace matching must be enabled.
This setting can be found in configuration after opening Advanced - Settings/Configuration at
And additionally the active file must be syntax highlighted with a syntax language definition usually having the lines
/Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "["
/Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]"
By default installed for syntax highlighting *.sql files is the wordfile mysql.uew
. It contains the brace string definitions as shown above. Those open/close brace strings are also the internal defaults if a wordfile does not contain open and close brace string definitions.
The open/close brace strings defined in the wordfile are customizable by the user as the entire wordfile can be customized.
To customize an already used wordfile open Advanced - Settings/Configuration - Editor Display - Syntax Highlighting, select the language respectively installed wordfile to customize, click on button Open and close configuration dialog with button Cancel. Then make the changes in the opened wordfile and save it.
The changes are immediately active as it can be seen by switching from just edited wordfile to the file which is displayed according to edited syntax language. The status bar at bottom shows for active caret position in active file the currently active syntax highlighting language with the name defined in applied wordfile.
For example html.uew
used by me for syntax highlighting HTML files contains:
/Open Brace Strings = "<a" "<acronym" "<b>" "<b" "<body" "<button" "<caption>" "<caption" "<dd>" "<dd" "<dir>" "<dir" "<div>" "<div" "<dl>" "<dl" "<dt>" "<dt" "<em>" "<em" "<font" "<form" "<frameset" "<h1>" "<h1" "<h2>" "<h2" "<h3>" "<h3" "<h4>" "<h4" "<h5>" "<h5" "<h6>" "<h6" "<head>" "<header>" "<i>" "<i" "<iframe" "<kbd>" "<kbd" "<li>" "<li" "<map" "<noframes>" "<noscript>" "<ol>" "<ol" "<option>" "<option" "<p>" "<p" "<pre>" "<pre" "<script>" "<script" "<select" "<small>" "<small" "<span" "<strong>" "<strong" "<style>" "<style" "<sub>" "<sub" "<sup>" "<sup" "<table>" "<table" "<td>" "<td" "<textarea" "<th>" "<th" "<title>" "<tr>" "<tr" "<tt>" "<tt" "<u>" "<u" "<ul>" "<ul" "<var>"
/Close Brace Strings = "</a>" "</acronym>" "</b>" "</b>" "</body>" "</button>" "</caption>" "</caption>" "</dd>" "</dd>" "</dir>" "</dir>" "</div>" "</div>" "</dl>" "</dl>" "</dt>" "</dt>" "</em>" "</em>" "</font>" "</form>" "</frameset>" "</h1>" "</h1>" "</h2>" "</h2>" "</h3>" "</h3>" "</h4>" "</h4>" "</h5>" "</h5>" "</h6>" "</h6>" "</head>" "</header>" "</i>" "</i>" "</iframe>" "</kbd>" "</kbd>" "</li>" "</li>" "</map>" "</noframes>" "</noscript>" "</ol>" "</ol>" "</option>" "</option>" "</p>" "</p>" "</pre>" "</pre>" "</script>" "</script>" "</select>" "</small>" "</small>" "</span>" "</strong>" "</strong>" "</style>" "</style>" "</sub>" "</sub>" "</sup>" "</sup>" "</table>" "</table>" "</td>" "</td>" "</textarea>" "</th>" "</th>" "</title>" "</tr>" "</tr>" "</tt>" "</tt>" "</u>" "</u>" "</ul>" "</ul>" "</var>"
Because UltraEdit as a very powerful general text editor not designed for a specific language has no syntax checking feature for SQL or any other language, a parenthesis being placed somewhere wrong is not special highlighted like SQLDeveloper does.
The text foreground and background color for the highlighted braces respectively Brace Strings
can be customized since UltraEdit for Windows v20.00 and UEStudio v14.00 in the Manage Themes dialog on tab Editor which contains the item Brace Highlight.
Brace highlighting is disabled for active file even if enabled in configuration if no syntax highlighting is active on active file.