I would like to display third-level menu items in Zotonic.
For example if I have pages in a hierarchy like the following:
I want the Why work here? to be accessible in the drop-down menus.
How do you get third-level menu items in Zotonic?
I used Page Connections and a modified menu template. This requires Zotonic 0.5.0 or later.
from text
to text
Edit /modules/mod_menu/templates/_menu.tpl
Turn the original menu template:
{% if menu %}
<ul id="{{ id_prefix }}navigation" class="clearfix at-menu do_superfish">
{% for mid,depth,nr,has_sub in menu %}
{% if not mid %}
{% if depth > 1 %}</ul></li>{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if nr == 1 and not forloop.first %}<ul{% if mid|member:path %} class="onpath"{% endif %}>{% endif %}
<li id="{{ id_prefix }}nav-item-{{nr}}" class="{% if is_first %}first {% endif %}{% if is_last %}last{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ m.rsc[mid].page_url }}"
class="{{ m.rsc[mid].name }}{% if mid == id %} current{% else %}{% if mid|member:path %} onpath{% endif %}{% endif %}">{{ m.rsc[mid].short_title|default:m.rsc[mid].title }}</a>
{% if not has_sub %}</li>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if forloop.last %}{% include "_menu_extra.tpl" %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Into the third-level menu version:
{% if menu %}
<ul id="{{ id_prefix }}navigation" class="clearfix at-menu do_superfish">
{% for mid,depth,nr,has_sub in menu %}
{% if not mid %}
{% if depth > 1 %}</ul></li>{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if nr == 1 and not forloop.first %}<ul{% if mid|member:path %} class="onpath"{% endif %}>{% endif %}
<li id="{{ id_prefix }}nav-item-{{nr}}" class="{% if is_first %}first {% endif %}{% if is_last %}last{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ m.rsc[mid].page_url }}"
class="{{ m.rsc[mid].name }}{% if mid == id %} current{% else %}{% if mid|member:path %} onpath{% endif %}{% endif %}">{{ m.rsc[mid].short_title|default:m.rsc[mid].title }}</a>
{% if depth == 2 %}
{% for submenu in m.rsc[mid].menu %}
{% if forloop.first %}<ul>{% endif %}
<li id="{{ id_prefix }}nav-item-{{nr}}" class="{% if is_first %}first {% endif %}{% if is_last %}last{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ m.rsc[submenu].page_url }}"
class="{{ m.rsc[submenu].name }}{% if submenu == id %} current{% else %}{% if submenu|member:path %} onpath{% endif %}{% endif %}">{{ m.rsc[submenu].short_title|default:m.rsc[submenu].title }}</a></li>
{% if forloop.last %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if not has_sub %}</li>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if forloop.last %}{% include "_menu_extra.tpl" %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
By adding a special case for the menu page connections of second-level items:
{% if depth == 2 %}
{% for submenu in m.rsc[mid].menu %}
{% if forloop.first %}<ul>{% endif %}
<li id="{{ id_prefix }}nav-item-{{nr}}" class="{% if is_first %}first {% endif %}{% if is_last %}last{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ m.rsc[submenu].page_url }}"
class="{{ m.rsc[submenu].name }}{% if submenu == id %} current{% else %}{% if submenu|member:path %} onpath{% endif %}{% endif %}">{{ m.rsc[submenu].short_title|default:m.rsc[submenu].title }}</a></li>
{% if forloop.last %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
In Page Connections add *Menu*s to each page that needs third-level items in the menu