
How do I publish a .rar using maven?

I have a very simple project which I want to be packaged as a .rar. Now, I'm using the maven-rar-plugin, and that works perfectly locally. When I package, I get my .rar and it's what I want. However, I have a <distributionManagement> section like this:

      <name>Release Repo</name>
      <url>http:// 8081/nexus/content/repo/release</url>

Then when I run deploy -DperformRelease='true', I get a .jar published to my nexus. Then when I include this project as a dependency in another project:


It goes to mynexus and tries to download it but can't find it. When I browse nexus, the project is there in the releases dir, but it's a .jar in there and maven dependency fails saying the .rar isn't there


  • In the pom.xml, add the


    element as a child of the <project> element.

    This published as a .rar as desired.