
Yii2 suggestion for two or more users

I'm beginner to yii2, I want to FOLLOW a suggermento Which way to create two users with different capabilities. Can you give me an example of how to create two types of users? Thanks so much


  • In yii2 for manage the proces for verifying that a user has enough permission to do somethingthere there are ACF and RBAC

    ACF Access Control Filter is a simple authorization method implemented and is best used by applications that only need some simple access control.

    RBAC Role-Based Access Control provides a powerful centralized access control yet simple to mnanage.

    Yii implements a General Hierarchical RBAC, following the NIST RBAC model.

    RBAC can be based on PHP files or directly on database table ..

    you can find useful info in this guide http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-security-authorization.html