I would like to generate in Java a XFDF Stamp Annotation that would have a transparent image inside. I have serious trouble recognizing the format in which the image is stored and how to transform my input image to that form.
So far I know
I have an example XFDF which contains an image, when I decode the image I get to see a syntax like this, but sadly I have no idea what kind of raw data is present in <DATA MODE="RAW" ENCODING="HEX"> tag.
<FIXED VAL="250"/>
<FIXED VAL="550"/>
<FIXED VAL="400"/>
<FIXED VAL="575"/>
<INT KEY="FormType" VAL="1"/>
<INT KEY="Length" VAL="35"/>
<DICT KEY="Resources">
<DICT KEY="XObject">
<INT KEY="BitsPerComponent" VAL="8"/>
<NAME KEY="ColorSpace" VAL="DeviceRGB"/>
<NAME KEY="Filter" VAL="FlateDecode"/>
<INT KEY="Height" VAL="150"/>
<INT KEY="Length" VAL="1907"/>
<INT KEY="BitsPerComponent" VAL="8"/>
<NAME KEY="ColorSpace" VAL="DeviceGray"/>
<NAME KEY="Filter" VAL="FlateDecode"/>
<INT KEY="Height" VAL="150"/>
<INT KEY="Length" VAL="5690"/>
<NAME KEY="Subtype" VAL="Image"/>
<NAME KEY="Type" VAL="XObject"/>
<INT KEY="Width" VAL="300"/>
I have managed to create a Rubber Stamp Annotation with custom Image in a PDF with the help of PDFBox, but sadly PDFBox does not seem to support exporting this kind of annotation to XFDF, they support only exporting from Forms(AcroForm). I don't know any other tool in Java that will allow me to export it, except the paid ones.
It's a HEX representation of DCT format (JPEG). If want a transparent image stamp you'll have a two of these things in your XFDF, the image itself and the mask.