I wanted to implement linear probing for hashtabe in c++,but the key,value pair would be of generic type like: vector< pair< key,value> >(where key,value is of generic type).
Now,in linear probing if a cell is occupied we traverse the vector until we find an empty cell and then place the new pair in that cell.
The problem is,that in generic type,how would I be able to check if a particular cell is occupied or not? I cannot use these conditions:
if(key == '\0')//As key is not of type string
if(key == 0)//As key is not of type int
So,how will be able to check if a paricular cell in the vector is empty or not? Please correct me if I misunderstood the concept.
I think you can just check if the element of the vector has meaningful key and value:
if(vector[i] == std::pair<key, value>())
or, if you only care about the keys
if(vector[i].first == key())
This approach assumes that the default constructor of key
type constructs an object that would be considered an "empty" or "invalid" key.