I have a very large project with 3rd party frameworks and would like to disable method swizzling to make sure the 3rd party frameworks do not mess the default expected behaviour. Is it possible? Is there some flag in the project settings?
There is no option to disable that although if you avoid subclassing from NSObject you would be safe . If you want to prevent Any Library from swizzling you may override the core methods for it namely
public func class_addMethod(_ cls: Swift.AnyClass!, _ name: Selector!, _ imp: IMP!, _ types: UnsafePointer<Int8>!) -> Bool
public func method_exchangeImplementations(_ m1: Method!, _ m2: Method!)
Like this
public func method_exchangeImplementations(_ m1: Method!, _ m2: Method!) {
public func class_addMethod(_ cls: Swift.AnyClass!, _ name: Selector!, _ imp: IMP!, _ types: UnsafePointer<Int8>!) -> Bool
return false
I do not suggest that though , but you might give it a try.