Looking to create a multi-dimensional array from a string. My string is:
I want to store it in an array which I'm assuming would look like this:
$multi_array = array(
So I can call it with $multi_array[1][1], which should return "4".
Here's the code I have so far:
$string = "13,4,3|65,1,1|27,3,2";
$explode = explode("|", $string);
$multi_array = array(); //declare array
$count = 0;
foreach ($explode as $value) {
$explode2 = explode(",", $value);
foreach ($explode2 as $value2) {
// I'm stuck here....don't know what to do.
echo '<pre>', print_r($multi_array), '</pre>';
Try this way,
$data = '13,4,3|65,1,1|27,3,2';
$return_2d_array = array_map (
function ($_) {return explode (',', $_);},
explode ('|', $data)
print '<pre>';
print_r ($return_2d_array);
print '</pre>';
OR with your own code
$string = "13,4,3|65,1,1|27,3,2";
$explode = explode("|", $string);
$multi_array = array(); //declare array
$count = 0;
foreach ($explode as $key=>$value) { // see changes on this line
$explode2 = explode(",", $value);
foreach ($explode2 as $value2) {
$multi_array[$key][$count] = $value2;
$count++; // see count variable position changes here
echo '<pre>', print_r($multi_array), '</pre>';