
Camel CXF Junit Testing failing with 404

I am trying to Unit test my camel route and i am getting a 404 from test code after a successful invocation of route, meaning am not able to read response from test, always throws 404 not found

Here is my test code

    final Exchange send = template.send("cxfrs://http://localhost:9001/v1/core/handshake", new Processor() {
        public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
            Message inMessage = exchange.getIn();
            //  setupDestinationURL(inMessage);

            final String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "");
            System.out.println("uuid = " + uuid);

            final GenerateTestHeaders headerGenerator = new GenerateTestHeaders();
            final Map<String, Object> outboundHeaderMap = headerGenerator.getOutboundHeaderMap(API_KEY, ACCESS_ID, PRIVATE_ACCESS_KEY, "utf-8", "POST", "2016-08-31T10:40:55.979-0400", uuid);

            // set a customer header

            // using the http central client API
            inMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.CAMEL_CXF_RS_USING_HTTP_API, Boolean.TRUE);

            inMessage.setHeader("HOST", "localhost:9001");

            // set the Http method
            inMessage.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, "POST");

            // set the operation name
            inMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.OPERATION_NAME, "handshake");

            inMessage.setHeader(Exchange.ACCEPT_CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");

            // set the relative path
            // inMessage.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PATH, "/IMP/v1/core/handshake");

            // Specify the response class , cxfrs will use InputStream as the response object type
            inMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.CAMEL_CXF_RS_RESPONSE_CLASS, HandshakeResponse.class);

            // since we use the Get method, so we don't need to set the message body


My Route is defines as below

<cxf:rsServer id="coreEndPoint" address="http://localhost:9001/v1/core" staticSubresourceResolution="true"
              loggingFeatureEnabled="true" loggingSizeLimit="20">
        <bean class="org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJsonProvider">
        <ref bean="loggingInInterceptor"></ref>

        <ref bean="loggingOutInterceptor"></ref>
     <cxf:features >
        <ref bean="swagger2Feature"></ref>

So my route gets invoked, The logging inteceptor logs a 200 Success with payload however when producer template is returned it has 404 Exception.

Any idea what i am doing wrong?.


  • On further debuggin realised that it has to be something with the way the Jetty Server is handled internally.So did a cross comparison with the Camel Apache Samples. Modified it and played around a little bit, long story short main difference is in POM

    The reason for failure was the Dependencies in POM i suppose.

     <!-- http client tests -->
     <!--   use the same version as your Camel core version-->
     <!--  Test Dependencies -->

    I added these and it started working. I have to see which one does that magic, For now am good.