
Checking for Active Network connection and exiting the app if not active in ionic using ngCordova

i am developing a conference app that is data driven and constantly will be updated from the web server. i am storing data on the local storage for persistence, but when the app is installed and launched for the first time i want to pop up a "No Internet Connection" message and close the app when they click any button on the pop up. but when there is internet load the app. i have done this in my function but it does not work.

var app = angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'ionic-material', 'ngCordova']); ($ionicPlatform, $ionicPopup, $timeout) {
    $ionicPlatform.ready(function () {
        // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
        // for form inputs)

        if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
        if (window.StatusBar) {

        //checking for internet connection on startup
        if (window.Connection) {
            if (navigator.connection.type === Connection.NONE) {
                document.addEventListener("offline", function () {
                        title: "Internet Disconected",
                        content: "Sorry, No internet connection now, please try again"
                    }).then(function (result) {
                        if (!result) {
                }, false);

the app pops up the message, but on click of any of the buttons(ok and cancel), the app just stays on white screen. it does not exit the app. i don't know what am doing wrong. please i need advice and code samples to correct my error.


  • A few aspects to keep in mind:

    In any case, your purpose could be reached with module, bundled in

    This an example of service that returns current network status:

    angular.module('app.common.connectivity', [
    .service('ConnectivityService', function($cordovaNetwork) {
      this.isOnline = $cordovaNetwork.isOnline() || false;

    You can add this module and inject the service where needed, like in:

    var app = angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'ionic-material', 'app.common.connectivity']); ($ionicPlatform, $ionicPopup, $timeout, ConnectivityService) {
        $ionicPlatform.ready(function () {
            // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
            // for form inputs)
            if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
            if (window.StatusBar) {
            //checking for internet connection on startup
            if( !ConnectivityService.isOnline && !window.localStorage.appLaunched ) {
                title: "Internet Disconected",
                content: "Sorry, No internet connection now, please try again"
              .then(function(result) {
            // Apparently we're online so remember we already have been here
            if ( !localStorage.appLaunched ) localStorage.appLaunched = true;