
Mediation ads ain't showing up in simulator , Giving Cannot find an ad network adapter with the name

The exact error is this:

Cannot find an ad network adapter with the name(s): Remember to link all required ad network adapters and SDKs, and set -ObjC in the 'Other Linker Flags' setting of your build target.

I am using Swift and I have installed adapters and SDK for Vungle, Mopub, and Milennial, but its always giving me this error. Other error is below:

Cannot find an ad network adapter with the name(s): com.mopub.mobileads.dfp.adapters.MoPubAdapter. Remember to link all required ad network adapters and SDKs, and set -ObjC in the 'Other Linker Flags' setting of your build target.


  • If you are getting these kind of errors then check your setup in admob console. Your project may be created for android platform. This was the problem in my case.

    Happy Coding.