I want to use the truncate filter of Twig. And it works fine.
I wanted to use as a third argument a link to read more about the article. But it does not work.
Here is the code:
{% set read_more_link %}
<a href="{{ path('course_news_show', {news: entry.id}) }}">... read more</a>
{% endset %}
<p>{{ entry.description|truncate(150, true, "read_more_link") }}</p>
What comes out is this:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit met, <a href="/course/news/44">... read more </a>"
So, the link is displayed as text in the <p>
. How can I solve this problem?
Try to use raw filter after your truncate filter:
<p>{{ entry.description|truncate(150, true, "read_more_link")|raw }}</p>