
Wijmo wj-input-date not working if value = null

I'm using wijmo input date for date masking with Angular2 and typescript

 <wj-input-date [value]="_note.StartDate" [format]="'d'" [mask]="'99/99/9999'" class="ibox1 rightalign"></wj-input-date>

It's working when I use it like this,

  constructor( ...
    if (this._note.StartDate != null) { this._note.StartDate = new Date(this._note.StartDate.toString()); }
    else { this._note.StartDate = new Date(); }

but, I don't want anything if value is null, like this

    if (this._note.StartDate != null) { this._note.StartDate = new Date(this._note.StartDate.toString()); } 

but, it's giving exception "Assertion failed in Wijmo: Date expected."


  • Use [required]="false" and remove [mask]="'99/99/9999'". _note.StartDate should be Date type.

    <wj-input-date [(value)]="_note.StartDate" [format]="'d'"  class="ibox1 rightalign" [required]="false"></wj-input-date>