
Angularjs empty select selector

I currently have a angularjs select with ng-options with the following code:

 <select ng-model="vm.selectedship" ng-change="vm.updateShip()"  data-ng-options="ship as ('ship'  + ' is ready (' + ship.currentlocation + ')') for ship in vm.readyships">

produces this production code:

    <select class="ng-valid ng-dirty ng-touched" data-ng-options="ship as ('ship' + ' is ready (' + ship.currentlocation + ')') for ship in vm.readyships">
<option label="" selected="selected" value="?">
    <option label="ship is ready (New york)" value="0">
        ship is ready (New york)
    <option label="ship is ready (City2)" value="1">
        ship is ready (City2)
    <option label="ship is ready (City3)" value="2">
        ship is ready (City3)
    <option label="ship is ready (City24)" value="3">
        ship is ready (City24)
    <option label="ship is ready (City24)" value="4">
        ship is ready (City24)

but, when im selecting any of the options, the selected "window" is still blank like this

enter image description here

Q: How can do so the text is within the selector?, and how can i remove the blank option?


currently im using vm.selectedship to get the whole property of the selected ship. If anything here is needed to change, im in need to select the ship to a somehow else.


  • The reason you are seeing blank when you are selecting an option is because you are using a string for alias and not a property. So ng-model is not able to find the property to display. Solution for your issue is instead of creating the string on the fly to display, create a property called DisplayText for each object in the controller.


     <select ng-model="vm.selectedship" ng-change="vm.updateShip()"  
    data-ng-options="ship as ship.DisplayText 
    for ship in vm.readyships">


     _.each(vm.readyships, function (ship) { 
    _.extend(ship, { DisplayText: "ship is ready (" + ship.currentlocation + ")" });