I'm using the NumberPicker tool in Android and I changed the value of the integer to String to be able to show it in the Toast I used Integer.toString
method but I don't think the problem is that.
The thing is when I tap my button no matter what value I pick in the NumberPicker it shows (0). I'm using the .getValue();
as shown below.
How do I make it get the value that I set on NumberPicker?
numPickerMin = (NumberPicker) findViewById(R.id.numberPickerMinute);
int getvalueminute = numPickerMin.getValue();
final String getValMin= Integer.toString(getvalueminute);
new Button.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v){
You are getting Picker's value after you initialize it so it will always be 0. As I understand your code you want to show correct value in Toast after pressing button? You should move those lines inside OnClickListener:
int getvalueminute = numPickerMin.getValue();
String getValMin= Integer.toString(getvalueminute);