
How to know if a server supports HTTP 1.0

I need to know if a server supports HTTP 1.0. I send this message through a TCP socket:

GET / HTTP/1.0

The thing is that in sometimes I get a HTTP 1.0 response and other times HTTP 1.1 response. How should I interpret this responses?



  • I need to know if a server supports HTTP 1.0.

    When you send the request GET / HTTP/1.0 you're telling the server that the HTTP version you as a client support is 1.0.

    If a server is either designed for HTTP 1.0 or designed for HTTP 1.1 with backwards compability to 1.0 then the server should send a 1.0 response to a 1.0 request, not a 1.1 response since the response might not be supported by the client.