
Ensure that the "Google Maps Android API v2" is enabled. I am getting this error when I try to Implement Google Maps

I am working on google maps and I am getting this error. I had done the following things:

  1. Got My sha1 fingerprint.

  2. Registered my project and got my project key.

I don't know to how to get Google Maps Android API v2 enable because all the links I have tried are old and Google had changed it's site design. Please help me. I already have wasted a lot of time on this.

My Logcat:

enter image description here

Authorization failure.  Please see for how to correctly set up the map.
E/Google Maps Android API: In the Google Developer Console (

 Ensure that the "Google Maps Android API v2" is enabled.
 Ensure that the following Android Key exists:
   API Key: AIzaSyBK8rKr9lCRLhzv68I4Q26G9pHHO******


  • From error it is clear that You did not enable google map api for android. To enable,

    1. Login google developer console
    2. Select Library option from left side panel.
    3. Now you can see all API list and go to Google Maps APIs and select Google Maps Android API .
    4. Now you can see option to enable/disable API. Enable it.

    I hope it help you.