I created a new TYPE in Oracle in order to have parity between my table and a local c++ object (I am using OCCI interface for C++).
In the code I use
void insertRowInTable ()
string sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO MY_TABLE_T VALUES (:x)";
stmt = con->createStatement (sqlStmt);
ObjectDefinition *o = new ObjectDefinition ();
stmt->setObject (1, o);
stmt->executeUpdate ();
cout << "Insert - Success" << endl;
delete (o);
}catch(SQLException ex)
//exception code
The code compiles, connects to db but throws the following exception
Exception thrown for insertRow Error number: 947 ORA-00947: not enough values
Do I have a problematic "sqlStmt"? Is something wrong with the syntax or the binding?
Of course I have already setup an environment and connection
env = Environment::createEnvironment (Environment::OBJECT);
occiobjm (env);
con = env->createConnection (user, passwd, db);
How many columns are in the table? The error message indicates that you didn't provide enough values in the insert statement. If you only provide a VALUES clause, all columns in the table must be provided. Otherwise you need to list each of the columns you're providing values for:
string sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO MY_TABLE_T (x_col) VALUES (:x)";
Edit: The VALUES clause is listing placeholder arguments. I think you need to list one for each value passed, e.g.:
string sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO MY_TABLE_T (GAME_ID, VERSION) VALUES (:x1,:x2)"
Have a look at occidml.cpp in the Oracle OCCI docs for an example.