When sending a large file using Kafka, is it possible to distribute it across partitions and then re-assemble it using Akka-Stream? as described in this presentation:
The "chunking" side, i.e. the producer, is easy enough to write using something like reactive kafka:
case class LargeMessage(bytes : Seq[Byte], topic : String)
def messageToKafka(message : LargeMessage, maxMessageSize : Int) =
Source.fromIterator(() => message.bytes.toIterator)
.via(Flow[Seq[Byte]].map(seq => new ProducerRecord(message.topic, seq)))
The "re-assembling", i.e. the consumer, can be implemented in a manner similar to the documentation:
val messageFut : Future[LargeMessage] =
for {
bytes <- Consumer.map(_._1).runWith(Sink.seq[Byte])
} yield LargeMessage(bytes, topic)