
Incorrect URLs in Sitecore Habitat

After a number of trials, I finally managed to setup Habitat for Sitecore 8.2

The instance name used is habitatdev. I followed the git document on configuring these custom names in 3 config files in the VS solution.

The home page http://habitatdev works fine. But when trying to browse to any other page (say "About"), it goes to http://habitat.habitatdev/about.

This is with all other pages. I see there are redirection modules and solutions to create a new layout for redirections.

Is there any simple fix like a property in web.config where we can set the Items to navigate to http://habitatdev/[name] instead of http://habitat.habitatdev/[name]

Open this config - \Website\App_Config\Include\Project\Habitat.Website.config

Look for the site and cacheSizes properties.


      <site name="habitatdev" patch:after="site[@name='modules_website']"   
   targetHostName="habitat.$(rootHostName)" database="web" virtualFolder="/" .... />

Changed to:

          <site name="habitatdev" patch:after="site[@name='modules_website']"   
       targetHostName="$(rootHostName)" database="web" virtualFolder="/" .... />


  • The problem (looking at your comment) is in your site config.

    You have:

    <site name="habitat" targetHostName="habitat.habitatdev" database="web" virtualFolder="/" physicalFolder="/" rootPath="/sitecore/content/habitat" startItem="/Home" ... />

    which means that when Sitecore generates url, it creates them using targetHostName="habitat.habitatdev" for their host names.

    Just change it to

    <site name="habitat" targetHostName="habitatdev" database="web" virtualFolder="/" physicalFolder="/" rootPath="/sitecore/content/habitat" startItem="/Home" ... />

    and all the urls will be http://habitatdev/...