
where's libmagickwand-dev (I installed them all) and how can I include it to a C program

I installed all the libmagick-dev packages (magickwand, magick++, etc.) in Ubuntu 16.04 but I don't know where the library is... So I haven't included it to my C program. I need to use the pixel level functions for a project I'm developing.

When typing 'locate libmagick', I just get the /usr/share/doc stuff. It's the docs, not the libraries.

I need to include the .h files to my program so I can manipulate images. At the moment, I'm making tests for the image manipulations (simple programs that are in the site which use the magickwand API)... But that's a thing I don't know how to do...

Where is the library? That's a first step.

Installed -dev Packages:

I also installed the libmagickwand-dev package, though apt says it's a transitional package that could be removed... I've read that those packages would be enough, but it seems it's not... Thanks for your replies.


  • On a Ubuntu/Debian system, the libraries are usually under /usr/lib, or a subdirectory managed by the package installer + system architecture.

    You can find them with...

    find /usr/lib -name 'libMagick*'

    The actual location is not terribly important as you should be leveraging pkg-config, or MagickWand-config utility for the required CC + LD flags.

    For example

    pkg-config --cflags --libs MagickWand
    #=> -fopenmp -I/usr/include/ImageMagick  -lMagickWand -lMagickCore


    MagickWand-config --cflags --libs
    #=> -fopenmp -I/usr/include/ImageMagick
    #   -lMagickWand -lMagickCore

    So a simple MagickWand test can be something like...

    // test.c (creates a single rose.bmp image for testing)
    #include <wand/MagickWand.h>
    int main()
        MagickWand *test = NewMagickWand();
        MagickReadImage(test, "rose:");
        MagickWriteImage(test, "rose.bmp");
        return 0;

    And can be compiled with..

    cc -o make_rose_image $(pkg-config --cflags --libs MagickWand) test.c