
Typescript & Uglify Tasks

Ok, so I am playing around with typescript and was hoping to use it to minify my code but as I understand it, typescript does not do that. So I I built my Gruntfile like this,

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),

    ts: {
      default: {
        files: {
          '/js/builds/admin.js': ['/typescript/admin/*.ts'],
          '/js/builds/main.js': ['/typescript/main/*.ts'],
          '/js/builds/public.js': ['/typescript/public/*.ts']
      options: {
        fast: 'never',
        sourceMap: false

    'uglify': {
      options: {
        preserveComments: 'some',
      my_target: {
        files: {
          //Libs Files
          '/assets/js/libs.js': [

          //Plugin Files
          '/assets/js/plugins.js': [

          //Admin Build
          '/assets/js/our_admin.js': [

          //Main Build
          '/assets/js/main.js': [

          //Public Build
          '/assets/js/public.js': [

    watch: {
      'TypeFiles': {
        files: ['/typescript/**/*.ts'],
        tasks: ['ts'],
        options: {
          spawn: false

      'JSFiles': {
        files: ['/js/**/*.js'],
        tasks: ['uglify'],
        options: {
          spawn: false,


and what I was trying to do was get typescript to build into standard javascript and then auto run the my uglify task.

As it stands, it works if I added / edit any lib or plugin files (as they have nothing to do with my typescript) but when I edit the typescript files, it will build the JS files, but not run the uglify task?

So how do I get it to do the uglify task after the ts task is completed?

Many thanks.


  • I think I have a solution to this issue. I added the TS task to my JSFiles watch task and added the typescript files to the list of files it should watch for, like so:

    'JSFiles': {
      files: ['/js/**/*.js', '/typescript/**/*.ts'],
      tasks: ['ts', 'uglify'],
      options: {
        spawn: false,

    Now this might to be the best option, as it will take some time to complete the typescript and the minify tasks. But I have set this project up in Symfony2 and I prefer to set up my new project pointing to the prod. files.
