
SystemVerilog over vcs saving simulation state and rewinding

I am running a testbench using systemverilog over OVM using vcs. I want to save my simulation after some reset phase and then return to it later on in the test, or/and from another testbench. Is this possible using systemverilog cmds?

Alternatively is there a way to do this using vcs cmds? Thanks


  • Yes there is $save command in vcs, to save the session. That command needs to be placed in the design itself.

    In your case you can do something like this.

          reset = 1'b1; // Asserting Reset
      #10 reset = 1'b0; // Deasserting Reset
          $save ("reset_state.chk");
      //  Post reset data

    This will save the reset state in reset_state.chk file.