
What is wrong with my Typescript AngularJS 1.5 component?

I need a custom AngularJS 1.5x component (in TypeScript!) for entering a date and time, that will have some required time zone correction logic, like this:

<date-time value="vm.woComplete.CompleteDate"></date-time>

where vm.woComplete.CompleteDate is the date property of my data model.

TypeScript code for this component is this:

namespace AppDomain {
    "use strict";

    export class DateTimeComponent {

        require: string = "ngModel";
        bindings: any = { value: "=" };
        template: string = "<input type='date' ng-model='$ctrl.displayValue'><input type='time' ng-model='$ctrl.displayValue'></p>";

        controller: Function = function ($scope) {
            var ctrl = this;

            ctrl.$onInit = function () {
                ctrl.displayValue = new Date(ctrl.value);
                ctrl.displayValue.setHours(ctrl.displayValue.getHours() - 4);

            $scope.$watch('$ctrl.displayValue', function () {
                var tmpDate = new Date(ctrl.displayValue);
                ctrl.value = tmpDate.setHours(tmpDate.getHours() + 4);


    app.component("dateTime", DateTimeComponent);


But I don't get any output. What am I doing wrong?

I want to have proper TypeScript code with $onInit and $onChangesinstead of $scope.$watch.

Here is the example, just need to convert it TypeScript!


  • You use a syntax I have never seen, and what is DetailController?
    Try with this syntax instead:

    export class Controller {
        value: number;
        displayValue: Date;
        $onInit() {
            this.displayValue = new Date(this.value);
            this.displayValue.setHours(this.displayValue.getHours() - 4);
        $onChanges() {
            const tmpDate = new Date(this.displayValue);
            this.value = tmpDate.setHours(tmpDate.getHours() + 4);
    const component : angular.IComponentOptions = {
        controller : Controller,
        bindings: { value: "=" },
        template: `
            <input type='date' ng-model='$ctrl.displayValue'></p>
            <input type='time' ng-model='$ctrl.displayValue'></p>`
    app.component("dateTime", component);