
CakePHP3 BeforeFilter & Auth Redirect

Can anyone help me understand the deal with Cakephp 3.3 and a BeforeFilter/Auth Redirect issue I'm experiencing.

I'm using the default Auth component. I've created a custom component that additionally checks for a session variable (Registration), and if that variable is not set redirects to a page designed to make a selection to set the desired Registration.

Here's my custom component:


namespace App\Controller\Component;

use Cake\Controller\Component;
use Cake\Network\Request;

class RegistrationCheckComponent extends Component

private $_allowedActions = [];
private $_superUserBypass = false;

public $components = ['Auth'];

public function superUserBypass($val = false) {
    $this->_superUserBypass = $val;

public function allow(Array $allowedActions = []) {
    $this->_allowedActions = $allowedActions;

public function verify() {

    if($this->_superUserBypass) {
        return true;

    $session = $this->request->session();
    //if Auth Registration is not set
    if(!$session->read('Auth.Registration')) {
        //if requested action is not in the array of allowed actions, redirect to select registration
        if(!in_array($this->request->param('action'), $this->_allowedActions)) {
            return $this->redirect();
        return true;
    return true;


public function redirect() {
    $controller = $this->_registry->getController();
    return $controller->redirect($this->config('redirect'));


Not all controller's require the Registration variable to be set, that's why I decided to go with the component approach. The component is however loaded in the AppController by this line:

$this->loadComponent('RegistrationCheck', ['redirect' => ['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'registrations']]);

In the controllers that require the Registration variable to be set, I include the following beforeFilter function:

public function beforeFilter(Event $event) {
    return $this->RegistrationCheck->verify();

Now, I've had some Integration Tests defined, here's one of them:

public function testUnauthenticatedEdit()
    $this->assertRedirect(['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'login']);

So, after I implemented my RegistrationCheck component, I ran the Integration Tests. I was expecting the test to pass, it did not. The interesting thing is that it actually returned a redirect to Users->registrations rather than Users->login as I had expected.

It looks to me that the RegistrationCheck redirect is happening before the Auth component redirect. I'm not sure it's a huge deal, because a redirect to registrations without Auth set is going to end up redirecting back to login, but it seems incorrect to ignore it...also, I'd just like to understand a bit more of what is actually going on.

Can anyone suggest changes to my code that would ensure the Auth component is handled before the RegistrationCheck component?

Thanks in advance.


  • Well, after a little more research, I found the answer I'm looking for here:

    Pretty simple really, just wanted to include an answer here for anyone who may stumble across the same question.