Does someone know where this JavaScript error comes from?
SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.'
I get this error when using a regular expression with a slash (escaped) like el.href.match(/video\/(.*)@/)[1];
as a string passed to a function like createTextNode, textContent or innerHTML.
This regex works when not stored as text. A regex without slash as text works, you can see my code example:
<a style="display: none; width: 840px; height: 472px;" href="" id="catchup" class="video"></a>
var el = document.getElementById("catchup");
var script = document.createElement("script");
var text = `
(function() {
var id = el.href.match(/video\/(.*)@/)[1];
alert("test 4 - regex with slash as text: " + id);
Working and failing tests can be found here:
You can test it live on GitHub Pages (JSFiddle did not work in my case):
You are escaping the forward slash instead of having a baskward slash.
`el.href.match(/video\/(.*)@/)[1]` === 'el.href.match(/video/(.*)@/)[1]'
// '\/' == '/', not '\\/'
You need to escape the backward slash as well:
You can also take advantage of the template string with the string representation of a regex to get it's source code representation. Basically, eval(/any regex/ + '')
will get the same regex.
var regex = /video\/(.*)@/;
var text = `el.href.match(${regex})[1]`;
// Or:
var text = `el.href.match(` + /video\/(.*)@/ + ')[1]';
/video\/(.*)@/igm + '' === '/video\\/(.*)@/gim';
new RegExp('video\\/(.*)@', 'gmi') + '' === '/video\\/(.*)@/gim';