
CMMotionManager data 'Jumps' after iOS 10 update

I'm developing an app that uses CMMotionManager, and prior iOS 10, the data from manager was stable. After iOS 10 update it started 'jumping' (data for the moment t+1 is times bigger than data for moment t, and at moment t+2 it returns to stable state). I'm using attitude property of CMDeviceMotion, and reference frame CMAttitudeReferenceFrameXTrueNorthZVertical.

What can I do to stabilize data from Manager?


  • This is entirely an iOS 10 bug. Unfortunately apple does not even want to talk about it although it represents a serious bug for all augmented reality apps. Many developers have reported it and no one has a clue on how to solve it.

    The most interesting thread is : : CMMotionManager incorrect behavior

    However I would like to point out that you can only access this thread using it's url. If you simply go to apple developer forums and do a search using the exact same title, the thread will not appear in the results.

    Apparently this is the way apple found to hide it's mistakes. Shame, shame...