
How to type into input field with WicketTester?

I'm writing a unit test for a Wicket WebPage. I want to fire up a page, type into a field, click a link, and then make some assertions.

Looking at the API of WicketTester and BaseWicketTester, I couldn't find any method that takes a path (like "form:input") to locate an input field and lets you enter text in it.

// set up WicketTester; create page
tester. // Type into input field - how to do this?
// assert something

Did I miss something? This seems like a pretty basic use case. Are you not supposed to use WicketTester like this? (That would be surprising given the presence of methods like clickLink().)


  • Use FormTester:

    FormTester formTester = tester.newFormTester("form");
    formTester.setValue("myformfield", "Hello Sailor");
