I have a field called NUMBER
in a table called TEST
NUMBER is int(8) Unsigned Zerofill Not Null
I need negative numbers in this field now and I'd still like them zerofilled
For example -00023419
I can change it to signed, but can't seem to get zerofilled.
if I do: alter table test modify number int(8) signed zerofill not null
It stays unsigned zerofill
if I do: alter table test modify number int(8) zerofill not null
It stays unsigned zerofill
if I do: alter table test modify number int(8) signed not null
I get signed but no zerofill
When I had it set to signed, I put an a negative number then tried to change to zerofill and the number changed to 00000000
and everything was set to unsigned again. It it impossible to have signed zerofilled numbers?
https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-attributes.html says:
If you specify
for a numeric column, MySQL automatically adds theUNSIGNED
attribute to the column.
Reported as a bug in 2006, closed as "Not a Bug". https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=24356
Re your comment:
So does this mean no one out there has negative zero filled data in a mysql database?
Right. The most common use case for ZEROFILL is to make sure things like zip codes or bank account numbers use a fixed number of digits. These cases don't support negative values anyway, so why bother with ugly strings like -00001234?
can you convert it to zerofilled with PHP?
Yes, you can format numbers with zero-padding in PHP.
$n = -1234;
printf("Number is %08d\n", $n);
Number is -0001234
Read http://php.net/manual/en/function.sprintf.php for more neat formatting things you can do with printf()