I would like to print directly to an attached label printer without showing the print dialog.
I have searched to see if such a thing is possible but it seems it is not. So, I thought I would ask here in case someone knows a way to do it.
You have to save the Printer SetupString. Then the next time you go to print use that SetupString to initialize the PrinterSetup object. See actual code copied from working project below:
'Now print the mail barcode
dim ps as PrinterSetup
dim page as Graphics
ps = LabelPrinter //See below
if ps<>nil then
page = OpenPrinter(ps)
if page<>nil then
//send stuff to the printer here
Public Function LabelPrinter() as PrinterSetup
if gLabelSetup<>"" then //gLabelSetup is saved in preferences
dim ps as new PrinterSetup
ps.SetupString = gLabelSetup
return ps
return nil
end if
End Function