
Xcode 8 : The request to open bundle-id failed. SpringBoard was unable to service the request

I’m trying to run app on iPhone 7 Plus simulator (using Xcode 8.0) but fails by prompting an alert “The request to open bundle-id failed. SpringBoard was unable to service the request.”

Screenshot 1

I’m getting this frequently (two times in three builds). The only fix I found was to Quit Xcode and Simulator and rebuild app (not worthy).

Any other fix?


  • Try below work around from thread here:

    Issue is the installation issue whereby your install is getting AppTranslocated for some reason. Some have reported this if they run Xcode-beta.app right out of Downloads, but others have seen it even following our reccomended installation instructions. We're still investigating in order to provide an update to the release note.

    To fix it:

    1. Copy-paste Xcode-beta.app from Applications folder to somewhere else, e.g. Documents folder.

    2. Delete Xcode-beta.app from Applications folder.

    3. Move Xcode-beta.app from Documents to Applications folder again.

    Also check this stackoverflow link.