
How to tell if a "ZipArchiveEntry" is directory?

I am handling some 3rd party ZIP files with .Net 4.5.2 System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive class and all works nicely.
However, I need to tell apart file entries from directory entries, preferably without extracting them first.

Is there a way to tell if a ZipArchive entry is a directory without extracting it?

As far as could find out there is no property of ZipArchiveEntry that tells if it is a file or directory.


  • Seems like I really do tend to answer my own questions.

    Anyway, the answer is straight forward:

    If ZipArchiveEntry is a directory it will have its FullName property ending with "/" (e.g. "some_dir/") and its Name property will be empty string ("").

    If only someone cared to put that info in the documentation ...

    Oh, and there is a catch:
    If a directory contains files, there does not have to be a separate ZipArchiveEntry for it.
    So, if you are looking for a specific directory you cannot just look for one ZipArchiveEntry with empty Name or with "/" at the end of FullName - you have to parse the whole tree (FullName for each ZipArchiveEntry).

    Luckily I had only to check if there is a single common directory for all entries (FullName properties of all ZipArchiveEntry items shoud start with the same string in the form of "folder_name/").