What is the most correct and efficient way to std::move elements from a vector of a certain type (T1) into a vector of an std::pair of that same type (T1) and another type (T2)?
In other words, how should I write MoveItems()?
#include <iostream> // For std::string
#include <string> // For std::string
#include <vector> // For std::vector
#include <utility> // For std::pair
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::pair;
vector<string> DownloadedItems;
vector<pair<string,bool>> ActiveItems;
vector<string> Download()
vector<string> Items {"These","Words","Are","Usually","Downloaded"};
return Items;
void MoveItems()
for ( size_t i = 0; i < DownloadedItems.size(); ++i )
ActiveItems.push_back( std::pair<string,bool>(DownloadedItems.at(i),true) );
int main()
DownloadedItems = Download();
return 0;
Thank you for your time and help, I truly appreciate it!
void MoveItems()
for (auto& str : DownloadedItems)
ActiveItems.emplace_back(std::move(str), true);
N.B.: For strings as small as the ones in your example, moving may have the same cost as copying due to SSO, or perhaps even slightly more expensive if the implementation decides to empty out the source anyway.