
Validation failed error when inserting/updating Contact into Freshdesk using SQL

I want to update an existing Contact in Freshdesk via API using Invantive Control for Excel Cloud All. Invantive Control raises a validation error that email address and phone should be unique: Validation failed duplicate_value: email. It should be a unique value.

It's not clear whether the SQL of Invantive Control translates into a CREATE or PUT command. In case of PUT it should be possible to update an contact that already exist.

My SQL statement:

insert into contacts@freshdesk
( name
, address
, phone
, email
select deliveryaccountname
,      fulladdress
,      phone
,      email
from   FreshdeskTickets@inmemorystorage


  • An insert statement creates new rows in the contacts table, it doesn't modify existing ones. It seems you are trying to create contacts that already exist in your Freshdesk instance.

    I would propose the following:

    Like this:

    create table contacts_to_update@inmemorystorage
    select distinct deliveryaccountname
    ,      fulladdress
    ,      phone
    ,      email
    from   FreshdeskTickets@inmemorystorage
    select name
    ,      address
    ,      phone
    ,      email
    from   contacts@freshdesk

    Then update (note that the from syntax isn't available yet in public releases):

    update contacts@freshdesk cfd
    set    cfd.name = cto.name
    ,      cfd.address = cto.address
    ,      cfd.phone = cto.phone
    from   contacts_to_update@inmemorystorage cto
    where  cto.email = cfd.email

    The temporary solution would be to only insert those contacts who aren't there yet. The minus should work for the insert on contacts too, like this:

    insert into contacts@freshdesk
    ( name
    , address
    , phone
    , email
    select deliveryaccountname
    ,      fulladdress
    ,      phone
    ,      email
    from   FreshdeskTickets@inmemorystorage
    select name
    ,      address
    ,      phone
    ,      email
    from   contacts@freshdesk