
Region monitoring and background

I have little doubt and wants to know is it necessary to reassign all regions again to location manager, if it receive the post notification for appEnterInBackGround?

here is some code snippet.

- (IBAction)startAction:(id)sender
  for (Geofencing *gObjects in plotingArrays) {
        CLCircularRegion *getRegion = [self dictToRegion:gObjects];
        [monitorLocationManager startMonitoringForRegion:getRegion];

So when app enters in back ground i did like this:

  # pragma mark - BackGround Notification
      monitorLocationManager = [selectRouteController sharedLocationMonitor];
      monitorLocationManager.delegate = self;
      for (Geofencing *gObjects in plotingArrays) {
        CLCircularRegion *getRegion = [self dictToRegion:gObjects];
        [monitorLocationManager startMonitoringForRegion:getRegion];

So is it necessary to reassign the regions again to location manger when app enter in background? OR it will automatically monitor once the region is assigned to location manager on startAction: action


+ (CLLocationManager *)sharedLocationMonitor {
static CLLocationManager *locationMonitor;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{

        locationMonitor = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
        locationMonitor.desiredAccuracy =  

        locationMonitor.activityType = 
        [locationMonitor requestAlwaysAuthorization];

            locationMonitor.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = YES;

            locationMonitor.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = NO;
   return locationMonitor;


App plist configuration


  • No, You don't need to restart monitoring for region when your app enters in background. It will automatically monitor region if you have configured it.

    You need to configure following in info.plist:

    <string>I want to get your location Information in background</string>

    And you also need to set AllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates to yes.

     [monitorLocationManager setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:YES];