I have a particular knockout observable that's used in many computed functions and it works exactly as it's supposed to. However on one of these computed functions I do NOT want it to trigger when the observable is updated. Code wise it would look something like this:
self.obs1 = ko.observable(foo);
self.obs2 = ko.observable(bar);
//I want this computed to behave normally
this.comp1 = ko.computed(function() {
return self.obs1() + self.obs2();
}, this);
//I want this computed to trigger on obs1 update but ignore updates to obs2
this.comp2 = ko.computed(function() {
return self.obs1() + self.obs2();
}, self);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
Note that I do still need to be able to access the current value of obs2 when comp2 is executed I just dont want the update of obs2 to trigger comp2 to have a new value.
Is this possible?
To make it ignore updates to an observable, use peek
function lets you access an observable or computed observable without creating a dependency.
Updated example:
//I want this computed to trigger on obs1 update but ignore updates to obs2
this.comp2 = ko.computed(function() {
return self.obs1() + self.obs2.peek();
}, self);