
JMeter Remote testing - 2 slaves

I'm executing JMeter loadtest on my system. We have 1 client server with JMeter GUI and 2 slaves servers.

e.g. client: slave1: slave2:

We are testing application where I need to login, do something and logout. Is it possible to test such application with 2+ slaves? Because I cannot login with the same user more times on server in current session. I get license error: "User is connected from another machine". I know, that jmeter multiplies Threads with number of slaves, but how to handle this situation?



  • JMeter uses local CSV files in distributed mode. So you just place different files on each slave and it works.

    For distributed testing, the CSV file must be stored on the server host system in the correct relative directory to where the JMeter server is started.

    According to the Apache JMeter documentation,

    By default, the file is only opened once, and each thread will use a different line from the file. However, the order in which lines are passed to threads depends on the order in which they execute, which may vary between iterations.

    If you want each thread to have its own set of values, then you will need to create a set of files, one for each thread. For example test1.csv, test2.csv, …, testn.csv. Use the filename test${__threadNum}.csv and set the "Sharing mode" to "Current thread".

    So just put your different credentials in different CSV.