
"com.dsi.ant.plugins.antplus.pcc does not exist" error for ANT+ in Android Studio 2.1.3

I am trying to use the runnerup project but I get the below error. My Android Studio is 2.1.3:

enter image description here


  • I believe you do not have the correct ant+ library

    For the runner up project you need to make sure that you have the code pointing towards the correct .jar file. In this case I do not think it is picking up the ../ANT-Android-SDKs/ANT+_Android_SDK/API/antpluginlib_3-1-0.jar in your hrdevice build.gradle.

    dependencies {
        provided files('libs/samsung_ble_sdk_200.jar')
        compile files('../ANT-Android-SDKs/ANT+_Android_SDK/API/antpluginlib_3-1-0.jar')