I am trying write a controller filter (at src/lib/http_basic_auth_filter.erl
-compile({parse_transform, lager_transform}).
before_filter(Config, RequestContext) ->
Request = proplists:get_value(request, RequestContext),
Authorization = Request:header(authorization),
laget:info("Authorization:~p", [Authorization]),
{ok, RequestContext}.
And I configure in boss.config
the controller filter:
{controller_filter_config, [
{lang, auto},
{http_basic_auth_filter, undefined}
But when I visit a URL the filter is not running because I never see the log messages. I do all like is explained in: https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/ChicagoBoss/blob/master/READMEs/README_FILTERS.md
How can do the controller filter run? I have searched in Google and Stackoverflow but I don't saw what is falling.
Also need (but is not commented in skel config):
{controller_filter_modules, [http_basic_auth_filter]},