
Developing PowerBI Visuals

I find it difficult to wrap my head around developing a PowerBI visual from scratch. I was reading wiki, guide, inspecting examples, but still feel like there's a huge gap in understanding how it works internally - it did not 'click'. (I understand basics of how D3 works so not too worried about that part)


I hope I'm not asking too much, but could someone, using this barchart as an example, post a sequence of which methods in the visual source are called (and how the data is converted and passed) when:

I used this specific visual as an example because it was mentioned as meeting minimum requirements for contributing a new custom visual, which sounds like a good starting point, source:

New Visual Development

Please follow our minimum requirements for implementing a new visual. See the wiki here.

(the link references the barchart tutorial)

However, if you have a better example visual - please use that instead.

This is all I got:

enter image description here

Many thanks in advance.


  • I also have some extra and more generic additions:

    The structure of how custom visuals are interacting with Power BI hasn't changed that much since the beginning. Only with the new API the interaction and possibilities has changed: is used to be an open world, but now it is limited.

    Hope this helps you in gaining a better overview of a Power BI custom visual.
