
Clojure dynamic keyword builder function returns unexpected results

When I define my function in the repl, it works as I expect. When I drop it into a namespace (i.e. my app) and reload the repl, I lose the namespace component on the keyword. I am not sure what I am missing here.

;; Repl
(defn repl-keyword-gen [k str] (keyword (name k) str))

(repl-keyword-gen :test "example")
;;=> :test/example

;; App - example.core
(defn app-no-sym-keyword-gen [str] (keyword "test" str))
(defn app-with-sym-keyword-gen [k str] (keyword (name k) str))

(app-no-sym-keyword-gen "example")
;;=> :test/example

(app-with-sym-keyword-gen :test "example")
;;=> :example   <----- Not sure about this one right here

Would appreciate insight/explanation into why this keyword builder returns different results.

REPL Repl_screenshot

APP App_screenshot

Edited - screenshots


  • I think there may be a problem in your environment.

    I tested using plain-old lein run and got the namespaced keyword:

    (ns clj.core
        [tupelo.core :as t]
        [clj-time.core :as tm] 
    ;; App - example.core
    (defn app-no-sym-keyword-gen    [str]   (keyword "test"   str))
    (defn app-with-sym-keyword-gen  [k str] (keyword (name k) str))
    (spyx (app-no-sym-keyword-gen "example"))
    (spyx (app-with-sym-keyword-gen :test "example"))
    (defn -main [& args]
      (println "-main"))


    ~/clj > lein run    
    (app-no-sym-keyword-gen "example") => :test/example
    (app-with-sym-keyword-gen :test "example") => :test/example

    To get the (spyx ...) part to work, you need this in your project.clj:

    :dependencies [
      [tupelo "0.9.9"] 